ubuntu install R in jupyter notebook
## install jupyter notebook sudo apt install jupyter-notebook ## install jupyter client sudo apt install jupyter-client ## pass in super...

scRNAseq: configure UMAP dimension reduction in Seurat R-package #UMAP #scRNAseq #Seurat
UMAP dimension reduction in Seurat R-package used umap-learn python library. To configure this analysis is important to make interact...

Build docker image with biosensor software for IoT data analysis #IoT #docker #sensor
biosensor is a software for data visualization from IoT biosensor used in medical field. This software is written in Bash with...

generate random transcriptome matrix in R #R #transcriptome
code to generate transcriptome matrix with 2000 genes and 50 samples data <- matrix(rnorm(mean = 7, sd=2, n = 100000), ncol = 50) ...

Docker image gene2tf application #docker #container #gene2tf
new post : https://github.com/cdesterke/docker_gene2tf dockefile to build docker image of gene2tf application (allow annotation of...
configuration of java 8 on ubuntu #linux #admin #java
#Installing depot of Oracle Java 8 in Ubuntu sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java # update ubuntu sudo apt-get update # install...

parse csv file to select lines with expression regular as parameter #bash #awk #genomics
#!/bin/bash #usage : ./essai.sh sample.csv SAMD11 variable=${1} if [ -z "${variable}" ] then echo "TEXTTAB file not passed as...
mount a new physical hard disk on RedHat #linux #sysadmin #RHEL7
#root require lvm2 : logical volum manager #scan all disks fdisk -l /dev/sd* #scan the disk concerned to be mount sdb fdisk -l /dev/sdb...

Hematopoieitic/Leukemic stem cell R-package co-occurence gene-function #text mining
https://github.com/cdesterke/HSCLSC HSCLSC R-package Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) and leukemic stem cell (LSK) is an intensive field in...

ASCII text design #ubuntu #ASCII #art
install boxes package under ubuntu sudo apt-get install boxes # creat an ASCII text box with message inside echo "GOOD MORNING ! " |...